

Protect the Core Brand Equity of our Clients, Minimise Competition and Market Risks

We help minimise market risks through thorough and detailed trademark search.

Jiangang ZHANG

CEO | National Star Patent Attorney | Attorney at Law

Shan XU

Trademark/Copyright Manager | Trademark Attorney


Gary Cheng

National Star Patent Attorney

Jane Qin

Patent Attorney

Aimee Yuan

Patent Attorney | Attorney at Law

Candice Wang

Trademark Attorney

Zach Zhu

Patent Attorney

Meihua Zhou

National Star Patent Attorney | Attorney at Law

??????? Sunshine Intellectual Property Group

  • Tel: +86-10-82870718 / +86-10-84065599?


    E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Address:5F,Tower A, Zhongguancun Intellectual Property Building, No.21, A, Haidian South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China, 10080

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