
Meihua ZHOU

Ms. Zhou joined the firm in 2010 to start practicing in patent prosecution work, and participated in numbers of patent invalidation cases. She has accumulated a rich experience in metal material science, material shaping, and mechanics automation related patent drafting, OA response, patent invalidation, and industry patent dynamic analysis. She also accumulated extensive experience in patent invalidation, patent infringement litigation, patent administrative litigation, patent infringement analysis, and patent early warning.

She especially skilled in drafting and implementing proposal for protecting enterprise own rights, and drafting and implementing early warnng proposal to guard against from patent risk management. As the first editor, she has wrote multiple patent early warning analysis report in both national level as well as for different provinces and cities. Help providing early warning analysis for many corporations before their products go public or exporting, which avoiding unnecessary direct economic losses when their products go public. She also provides patent early warning analysis training to dozens of enterprises’ patent management staff and their R&D personnel, which can prove their awareness for using patent information.??


  • LLM in IP at China University of Political Science and Law
  • B.S. in Material Shaping and Controlling Engineering

Field of Practice

Patent invalidation, patent administrative litigation, patent infringement litigation and other patent disputes in the technical fields of mechanics, material, chemistry, biology.

??????? Sunshine Intellectual Property Group

  • Tel: +86-10-82870718 / +86-10-84065599?


    E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Address:5F,Tower A, Zhongguancun Intellectual Property Building, No.21, A, Haidian South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China, 10080

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